Endorsement Process:
Candidates for federal offices apply for recommendation with the RLC of Washington State, and the state board votes whether to recommend to the National RLC to endorse the candidate.
Candidates for state offices apply for endorsement with the RLC of Washington State, and the state board votes whether to endorse the candidate.
Candidates for offices which district lies completely within a county, apply for endorsement with their county RLC chapter. If a candidate’s district lies in more than one county, each county RLC chapter can recommend to the state chapter for endorsement.
Yakima County Republican Liberty Caucus Endorsement Policy:
YCRLC Endorsement and Recommendation Policy
To apply for endorsement by the Yakima County Republican Liberty Caucus, please fill out the following and email to YakimaCountyRLC@gmail.com.
Candidate Questionnaire:
RLC Liberty Compact: